“The website is devoted to the courageous and adventurous descendants of Niha.
”Welcome to the website of the beautiful village of Niha.
This website is one of the projects supported by St Charbel’s Maronite Centre for Research and Strategic Studies. The Centre, founded in 2011, aims to raise an awareness and knowledge amongst the Maronite generations emerging in Australia about the historical value and heritage of the Maronite Church to strengthen the unity and correlation between them in the expansion with the Maronites of Lebanon.
The website fulfils these objectives by providing a gateway through which non-Arabic speakers, of Lebanese and other nationalities, can learn more about Niha and its history. It also provides an opportunity for Lebanese residents and immigrants abroad to communicate through this website and support projects and developments in their home country and village.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the people who designed and prepared this website especially George El-Khouri. I have always witnessed his great love for Lebanon and for Niha, in particular, and his enthusiasm to give back to the country of his ancestors whenever possible. (Ezekial 17:22-26):
“From the top of the cedar, from the highest branch I will take a shoot and plant it myself on a very high mountain..this branch will bear fruit and become a noble cedar”.
I hope you enjoy going through this website and learning more about Niha, its history, environment and its people.
God bless. Rev. Fr. Dr. Antoine Tarabay Rector of St Charbel’s Church, Monastery and College, Sydney Australia Site launched on the 9th of February 2012, feast day of St Maroun, the Patron Saint of the Maronite Church
updated 27th March 2012
last updated 25th August 2013,12th September 2013 INTRODUCTION
Niha has ancient Phoenician and Roman Temple remains with Christian places of worship from early times to the present day, testament to the sought after climate as well as the isolated, breathtaking and faith inspiring location. Set in steep, strategic mountain terrain, Niha has been witness to brave struggles of survival and defence from invading forces of ancient times right down to the late 20th century during the Lebanese civil war of 1975-1990.
The village inhabitants proudly maintain many social, cultural and religious traditions many of which have remain unchanged since ancient times.
Over the past two centuries most villagers have emigrated to the coastal cities of Lebanon or have left Lebanon to form the Lebanese expansion around the world. Despite limited education, they had the will to succeed and to educate their children. Like others leaving Lebanon, many of Niha’s descendants have excelled in their chosen trades and professions and are held in high esteem in their adopted countries.
Appreciation is acknowledged to the Niha decendants who have assisted in the establishment of this site especially Professor Bernard Haykel in the USA . Our special thanks is also warmly extended to Reverand Father Dr. Antoine Tarabay and staff at the Maronite Centre for Research and Stratgeic Studies in Sydney for their support and encouragment.
We look forward to your comments to help expand and update this information.
“For any visitor, Niha should be a poor village from the mountains of Lebanon among others, but Niha is a piece of heaven on earth, it has that magic thing which is when you sit on its ground under the shadow, the stones will talk to you and will tell you the stories of the past . The oaks and the cedars trees will embrace you with their branches with tenderness, while the springs will whisper in your ears the sweet melodies coming from the bosom of the earth. Niha is more than special, it’s unique and majestic in simplicity”